Wednesday 9 February 2011

Sandalwood Leaf Features: 檀香叶

Sandalwood Leaf Features: 檀香叶特点
Sandalwood leaf features: sedative given shock, and promote sleep. The smell of sandalwood pillow, there is relief, soothing the nerves of special effect, its distribution of natural wood, elegant, quiet, durable, light, can be effective to appease the tension and anxietymood, relaxation, reduce stress, allow you to sleep easily.
檀香叶能安神定惊,促进睡眠。檀香枕的气味有降压, 舒缓神经的特别功效, 其散发的天然木香, 幽雅、宁静、持久、清淡、可有效的安抚紧张及焦虑的情绪,松弛神经,减轻压力,让你轻松入眠。